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Angular/Ionic Developer
Proficient analytical & problem-solving skills | Proficient with OOP concept & UI design principles | Work Experience in Firebase implementation is mandatory | Understanding of web markup,HTML5, CSS3, SCSS
Software Tester
Manual Testing / Visual Basic 6.0 / MS SQL Server / Logical Analysis | Strong technical abilities and comfort working with various software programs | Knowledge of various programming languages, depending on the project | Problem-solving skills | Written and verbal communication skills to successfully share their testing results and make recommendations | Familiarity with testing processes, including creating a test plan and opening bugs.
ASP.NET MVC 5 | Strong knowledge of OOPS | Multilayer Framework – 3 tier | MS-SQL Server | Entity Framework | Dependency Injection and Web API | Skilled with C#, Ado.net, JavaScript, HTML-CSS, AJAX, jQuery, Web Services, etc.